Heavyな楽曲に民族的・和の要素を取り入れ、メロディアスかつアグレッシブな唄をのせた独自の世界観「Oriental Heavy Rock」をコンセプトに掲げ、他のバンドとは一線を画す楽曲とパフォーマンスを武器に自らの音楽性を追求する。
どのジャンルにも属さない音楽は結成当初から異彩を放ち、数々のイベントに出演、海外のフェス等にも積極的に参加し「Oriental Heavy Rock」の色をより強めていく。
Formed in 2004 after a predecessor band. With the concept of "Oriental Heavy Rock", a unique world view that incorporates ethnic and Japanese elements into heavy songs and puts melodious and aggressive songs, they use songs and performances that set them apart from other bands. Pursue their musicality. Music that doesn't belong to any genre has been outstanding since its formation, appearing in numerous events, actively participating in overseas festivals, etc.They further strengthening the color of "Oriental Heavy Rock". The chorus work is exquisitely intertwined with Shige's unique singing, and although it is a heavy song, it is also catchy and bewitching, and it captivates everyone who listens. After several member changes, they are currently supporting members other than Shige.

Vocal – Shige